Friday, April 4, 2014

Custom Writing BLEEEH

The custom writing company would be a sweet website and tool if I were rich and could afford to throw money away. I am not sure if I agreee with everything that the owner offers or deffends himself with, saying things like the world does not need assessments of writing you n eed to work on your core techniques of your job study if your a math major you would need to wrtie a paper about how amazing math has taken over your life and who was the greatest mathimaticion No i dont know think that either, but I do think that when you get out of high school and college you may be required at some point to write a paper or an interview or hell even your resume and what happens when you go to write it and are stuck because you have never developed your skills or you do not know how to sound like a profressional your application is going to get laughed at and thrown to the side. People want people who are smart you can have all the experience in the world but if you have no skills on how to look or act profressional then you wont get hire. So i do not agree that the only thing you need for your job is the skills that come along with it like if you want to be a dance major or an IT major yes 100% you need to know those subjects you need to know the history of dance or you need to know how IT or even what it is, and what better way to test you on it then to have you write it out, they are not always looking for the best essay or the best writers in the class they are just trying to test you in a way opposite of a question and answer trying to make it look like you know something not just studied for a test and then turn around and forgot it all. In the end This place is a joke and a scam in a class that is not writing first they do not expect the best from you they just want to know that you understand the content of the class.

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